tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Reflections about victims on the road

I wrote this poem recently reflecting on my friends injured and killed on the road.

Splattered out on the road, just another road kill.
The extinguished animal's life still always gives me the chill.
A child, a brother, a friend, or a mother.
A fast driver who just could not bother.
Sometimes human flesh mixed with wheels and steel.
I can only imagine how the victim's child now feel.
Just another one of our little ultracyclist family.
This trauma to our group will never end! Sadly.

lördag 2 januari 2010

Christmas 2009 reflections

Christmas and Year 2009 reflections

Another year has flown by and here I am again in the times of candle light and Christmas music, reflecting on the year that has passed. Last Christmas I was about to embark on my new journey of integrating back into Europe, and starting a new phase of my life, transforming my solo journey through life to a new life with my man, Marc. I can conclude that this has been a year of change, a year of challenge, a year of sorrow and a year of joy. Overall, it has been a very exciting year, and I am optimistic about the future and happy about my new life as Mrs Leuckx.

The move back to Europe
I had expected that the move from USA back to Europe would be challenging and costly. Last Christmas I was informed that my shipment and car was in China and in late January I found out that my moving company had gone bankrupt. The whole month of February was spent in prayers for my shipment and many telephone calls to try to get my goods. I can assure you that when I saw my Toyota inside my container, a wave of relief flowed over me. Thereafter, loaning a horse trailer from a good friend, my mother and father helped me move my household goods to Belgium.

Berge Veterinary Consulting.
In January I started my new company, Berge Veterinary Consulting, with aim to provide consulting in veterinary epidemiology, animal health and zoonosis control. This year I have been providing consulting services to Alltech, a company specializing in providing yeast-derived and organic nutritional supplements for animals. I have been working with Alltech sales team in several European countries, including Denmark, Hungary, Polen, Czech republic, Slovakia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. I have participated in several conferences speaking on Salmonella and animal health issues. The challenges of setting up an own business, and working as a consultant, has been challenging and stimulating, but I feel that I have gained experience and confidence. I have been consulting around 10 days per month and taken time off when Marc, as math teacher, has school vacation. I have also been working with veterinary epidemiologist Professor Jeroen DeWulf and his graduate students at the University of Gent, and we have recently received funding for a study on the eco-epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance in pig herds. Jeroen and I held a successful workshop at the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medecine in London and have been asked to continue this workshop next year.

Marc and I have definitely not covered the same number of kilometers on our bikes as previous years. Nevertheless, there have been some nice biking highlights this year. When our French friends, Didier and Edith visited us in April, we did the Ronde van Vlaanderen, 250 km with 25 km cobblestones. At the end of Marc’s school year, we went a week to Vars, south of Briancon in France. My first week biking in the Alps was fantastic and definitely my biking highlight of the year. In August, first time as a married couple, Marc and I returned to USA to bike another Pactour event. This time it was the Eastern Mountains of USA, starting in Atlanta, Georgia, we biked in the Smokey Mountains on the Blue Ridge Highway, through Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York state to Portland, Maine. Anne Noone made the ‘European trio’ complete, and we had many nice bikes miles together.

Family Leuckx.
Our big day was July 26 in Sweden. Family and a few friends celebrated our union in the little white church in Simlångsdalen (where my mother and father got married), followed by horse drawn cart to the restaurant for a wonderful forest inspired Swedish feast. Wedding cake was completely home made with the wedding couple in marzipan created the same morning with the help of my nieces and nephews.
Marc lost his father in June, and although we are mourning that he has left us, we are happy that he lived a full and independent life the way he wanted it, never having to leave his home farm. Marc spent a lot of time cleaning out the old family farm, and managed to get it sold quickly. The resulting money came very handy when we found our future home, a nice stone house on a hill, and when I stepped into the house, Marc knew I wanted it, and we were very quick in action. We made a downpayment, the purchase will be finalized after April, and we will take it over this coming summer, since we are tied to our current rental contract until Oct 2010.

Our four footed family members, Leo and Sara, have succesfully integrated into the Swedish and Belgian culture and our enjoying their life. They have improved their hunting skills and our neighbours our happy with their rodent control. Höna and Pöna, Marc’s dad’s hens, got a new home with us, and after 2 months of loving care, on a very cold winter night, Höna finally delivered an egg. Sotis, our black prodigy, is growing up, and moving up in the hen ranking. Tupp, the little white rooster, was not a very sturdy kind, and after a month with Höna and Pöna, he became sick. I left on a business trip, and Marc was left with a sick rooster sitting in the cat cage in the kitchen, drinking Clifshot electrolyte drink. But, he left us for bird heaven on Dec 16.

I have felt God’s hand in my life in everything from daily little things and moments of thoughts to the overall plan for my life. I remember that there were times when I had stopped myself from acknowledging the longings of my heart, for fear of hope unfullfilled. But God sees to the hidden thoughts and prayers in our hearts, and his plans for us are so much greater than we ever can imagine. I close this letter with a poem I wrote in 2004, that I have previously only shared with two friends.

Blue days,

Days, when the winds of loneliness sweep over my soul.
I lose sight of my blessings, my visions, my goal.
I sit here in misery wonder if, when and how.
Someone will stand before me and bow.
Wondering what it’s with me that’s wrong.
Wondering if I my whole life will long.
Just for someone to see.
Just for someone to want me.
God made me special just for that man.
I can wait till eternity, oh yes I can.
I will look at the Son of God shining bright.
Jesus Christ’s bride, Oh, what a sight.

As you can see, God sees, God cares, God answers prayers, in His special way!

Thank you for being part of my life!
